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File #: 2252-05    Version: Name: A Resolution of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing program guidelines for Allegheny County's Public Art Program, as established under Ordinance No. 39-05.
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 12/6/2005 In control: Executive Committee
On agenda: Final action: 12/20/2005
Title: A Resolution of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing program guidelines for Allegheny County's Public Art Program, as established under Ordinance No. 39-05.
Sponsors: William Robinson
Attachments: 1. 60-05-RE.pdf


A Resolution of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing program guidelines for Allegheny County's Public Art Program, as established under Ordinance No. 39-05.



WHEREAS, the County of Allegheny believes that investing in the arts is crucial to revitalization and development of a strong community and economy, and is an important measure of the success of a region; and


WHEREAS, County Council has given expression to this belief by creating the Public Art Program in Ordinance No. 39-05; and


WHEREAS, Section 8 of Ordinance No. 39-05 requires that Council adopt guidelines for the Public Art Program in resolution form, and that these guidelines must subsequently be adopted by the Arts Board at its first meeting; and


WHEREAS, establishing a policy in which a specific allocation is set aside for revitalization of the County integrates arts and culture into communities throughout the County, supports the region's cultural assets, and emphasizes Allegheny County as a cultural destination; and


WHEREAS, it is the desire of Allegheny County Council, in cooperation with the Chief Executive, to continue to improve the experiences of its residents through its support of visual art, improving the aesthetics of the County.



The Council of the County of Allegheny hereby resolves as follows:


Section 1.                     Public Art Program Guidelines


Nothing contained within this Resolution shall be construed to in any fashion limit, reduce, enlarge or otherwise alter any right, duty or obligation imposed under the terms of Ordinance No. 39-05, nor shall the function of the Arts Board be deemed to be altered from that described in Ordinance No. 39-05 in any fashion by reason of any language contained herein.  The following Public Art Program Guidelines are hereby adopted by Allegheny County Council:


I.  Conflict of Interest

A.                     Arts Board Members.

1.                     Members of the Arts Board are ineligible for public art commissions or                      projects during their tenure and for one year following their term of                      service. Family and household members also are ineligible for public art                      commissions or projects over which the Board has approval authority or                      administrative                      responsibility. These restrictions will extend indefinitely for                      any specific commission or projects that were reviewed or otherwise                      acted upon during membership on the Board.

2.                     Members of the Arts Board must declare any potential conflict of                      interest, including personal or business relationships, and withdraw                      from participating or voting on any competition, commission, or project                      with which they are involved that come before the Board.

B.                     Other participants. Members of the project management, project architect, or                      consulting firms and employees of the County of Allegheny are ineligible to                      receive public art funds for design services or public art commissions.

C.                     Selection panelists. Selection panels may be created by the Board that                      exclude family or household members or those who have personal or                      business relationships with an artist or artwork under consideration for a public art                      project by that panel. Business relationships include but are not limited to gallery                      owners, brokers, artist representatives, agents, fabricators, suppliers, and                      employers.

D.                     Artists.

1.                     Artists who were previously involved in the development of a public art                      project under the County's ordinance or public artwork plan for the County                      may be eligible for consideration for that particular project or plan                      provided there is disclosure of the prior involvement and approval of                      the Board.

2.                     An artist is ineligible to serve on the Board or as a selection                      panelist while under consideration for a public art commission or                      project.

3.                     An artist is precluded from having his/her work considered for a public art                      commission or project once selected for or while serving on the Board or a                      selection panel.


                     II.                     Selection Criteria for Artists and Artwork

                     A.                     General criteria. Projects undertaken by artists or acquisitions of artwork                                                                whether by commission, purchase, gift, or other means should further the                                                                purpose and goals of the Allegheny County public art program. The Board                                                                will determine the appropriate recruitment strategy to establish a pool of                                                                artists for each project based on standard methods described in Section IX.                                           The Board or selection panel will apply the following criteria when                                                                selecting artists, considering acquisitions or siting artwork:

                     Artistic Merit - The inherent quality and excellence of a proposed artwork                      together with the strength of the artist's concept and design capabilities, are                      the program's highest priorities.

                     Context - Artwork must be compatible in scale, material, form, and                      content with their surroundings. When serving a functional purpose,                      artworks may establish focal points; modify, enhance, or define specific                      spaces; establish identity or address specific issues of civic design.                      Consideration should also be given to the architectural, historical,                      geographical and social/cultural context of the site or community, as well                      as the way people may interact with the artwork.

                     Relevant experience - Experience and professional record of the artist(s)                      should provide convincing evidence of ability to successfully complete the                      project as proposed. Particularly on collaborative or design team projects                      artists should demonstrate ability to:

                     Communicate effectively and elicit the ideas of team members;

                     Exhibit flexibility and problem-solving skills;

                     Work with architectural drawings and construction documents;

                     Engage community representatives in a project.

                     Permanence/maintenance - Due consideration will be given to the                      structural and surface soundness, operational costs and inherent resistance                      to theft, vandalism, weathering and excessive maintenance.

                     Technical feasibility - An artist must exhibit a successful track record of                      construction and installation of artwork or show that an appropriate                      professional has examined the proposed artwork and confirmed feasibility                      of construction and installation.

                     Budget - An artist's proposal should provide a budget adequate to cover all                      costs for the design, fabrication, insurance, transportation, storage, and                      installation of the proposed artwork, plus a contingency plan for                      reasonable unforeseen circumstances. Artists should have a history of                      completing projects within budget.

                     Diversity - Artwork will be sought from artists of diverse ethnic and                      cultural identities and from local, regional, national, and international                      artists. The Board encourages applications from artists working in both                      established and experimental art forms.

                     Fabrication and installation schedules - The artist proposal should include                      a project timeline that incorporates design review, fabrication, delivery and                      installation in accordance with project schedule. The artist should have a                      history of completing projects on time.

The Board and any selection panel(s) may recommend rejection of all submissions if none are considered satisfactory and a new pool of artists may be established.

B.                     Program Procedures.  The Arts Board will develop public art program                      procedures consistent with both Ordinance No. 39-05 and the guidelines                      set forth herein which detail the methods and criteria for evaluating artists'                      proposals.  Such procedures shall include, but not be limited to, public art                      project planning, artists' contract provisions, artist selection procedures,                      design development, the role of staff and consultants, and policies for                      accepting gifts of artwork.

III.                     Methods of Recruiting and Selecting Artists

                                          A.                     Open Competition (Request for Qualifications or Request for                                                                                                          Proposals).  An open competition is a "Call to Artists" for a specific                                                                                     project in which artists are asked to submit evidence of their past work.                                                                                     Any artist may submit credentials and/or proposals, subject to any                                                                                                          limitations established by the Board. Calls for entries for open                                                                                                          competitions will be sufficiently detailed to permit artists to determine                                                                                     whether their work is appropriate to the project under consideration.

                                          B.                     Limited Competition.  A limited number of artists shall be invited by the                                                                                     Board to submit credentials and/or proposals for a specific project. Artists                                                                                     shall be invited based on their past work and exhibited abilities to meet                                                                                     situations posed by particular project requirements or based on other non-                                                                                    aesthetic, public art program goals.

                                          C.                     Invitational Competition.                       In an invitational competition, a very small                                                                                     number of artists (usually between three and six) are invited to submit                                                                                     credentials and/or proposals for a specific project. Invited artists shall be                                                                                     selected directly by staff or identified by the Board through an initial slide                                                                                     review process. Artists shall be included in the slide review process based                                                                                     on their ability to meet situations presented by the given project.

                                          D.                     Direct Selection.  At times, the Board may elect to make a direct selection                                                                in which they contact a specific artist for a particular project. Such an                                                                                     election may occur for any reason, but will generally occur when                                                                                                          circumstances surrounding the project warrant either an open or                                                                                                          invitational competition unfeasible (for example: project timeline,                                                                                                          community or social considerations, client demand, etc.). Over time an                                                                                     ongoing list of eligible artists will be developed and approved by the                                                                                     Board for use in direct selection projects.

                                          E.                     Mixed Process.  A mixed process includes any combination of the above                                                                                     approaches.


                     IV.                     Proposals.  A potential provider of artwork will consult with the Board, and then                                                                submit a written proposal or letter of intent to the Board. Whenever possible the                                                                artist or donor will present the actual artwork for approval.  The Board or a                                                                selection panel will evaluate each proposed artwork based on the selection criteria                                           and make an affirmative or negative recommendation for approval. All proposals                                                                will include:

                                          A.                     A site plan that locates the artwork if a specific location is proposed;

                                          B.                     Description of actual materials which may include drawings,                                                                                                          photographs or samples;

                                          C.                     Installation details, including architectural drawings and/or                      construction                                                                                     documents;

                                          D.                     Recommended maintenance plan;

                                          E.                     Proposals for large or monumental works will include a maquette of a 3-                                                                                    D work or drawings of 2-D work;

                                          F.                     Funding provisions:

                                                               1.                     Any display or placement of artwork, whether temporary or                                                                                                          permanent, must be covered by insurance, endowment, or                                                                                                                               contractual agreement for maintenance, so that they will remain in                                                                                                          a condition satisfactory to the Board;

                                                               2.                     The insurance, endowment or contractual agreement must also                                                                                                          cover costs of installation, storage and/or removal;

                                          G.                     An estimate of value by a certified art appraiser or from a source                                                                                                          acceptable to the Board.



IV.                     Placement of Artwork and Temporary Artwork or Exhibitions

                                          A.                     Process.  The Board will meet to determine the appropriate location for                                                                                     artwork.  The artist, Board, architect(s) or engineer(s) overseeing                                                                                                          construction may propose site option(s) for artworks.  Final approval of                                                                                     the placement of artwork by the County department with oversight                                                                                                          responsibility is required.

                                          B.                     Factors.  In determining a site for artwork, the Board will consider the                                                                                     following factors:

                                                               1.                     Visibility and civic prominence;

                                                               2.                     Public accessibility to proposed artwork for all individuals,                                                                                                                               including facility users, surrounding community members and                                                                                                          those with special needs;

                                                               3.                     Public safety and liability issues;

                                                               4.                     Vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns;

                                                               5.                     Relationship to architectural and natural features, landscape                                                                                                          design, environmental impact and concerns, and future plans for                                                                                                          the area;

                                                               6.                     Social context and other uses of the artwork or space;

                                                               7.                     Existing artwork within the proposed site vicinity.

                                          C.                     Temporary Artwork or Exhibitions

                                                               1.                     Temporary artwork shall be defined as artwork or exhibitions on                                                                                                          loan or created for display on county-owned property for ninety                                                                                                          (90) days or less.

                                                               2.                     Temporary artwork shall be documented by the site sponsor,                                                                                                          responsible department, or the artist(s) for the Board inventory                                                                                                          through appropriate media, such as photographs, slides or digital                                                                                                          record.

                                                               3.                     Final approval for use of temporary artwork or exhibitions by the                                                                                                          County department with oversight responsibility is required.

                     VI.                     Funding

                                          A.                     Funding process.  Funds will be dispersed in accordance with the policies                                                                                     and procedures of Allegheny County.

                                          B.                     Application of public art funds.  Funding generated for public art projects                                                                                     may be spent for the acquisition of artwork, including:

                                                               1.                     Artist-related costs consisting of:

                                                                                    a.                     Artist's design fee;

                                                                                    b.                     Operating and overhead costs;

                                                                                    c.                     Labor and materials;

                                                                                    d.                     Proposals, drawings, or maquettes;

                                                                                    e.                     Permits required by the County related to                                                                                                                                                                         construction or erection of artwork;

                                                                                    f.                     Project-related travel subject to the County's travel policy                                                                                                                               and approval by the County Manager;

                                                                                    g.                     Transportation of artwork to the site;

                                                                                    h.                     Installation;

                                                                                    i.                     Site preparation or modification when not included                                                                                                                                                    in construction costs;

                                                                                    j.                     Frames, mats, mounting, anchorage, pedestals,                                                                                                                                                    cases or other materials necessary for the                                                                                                                                                                         installation, display and/or security of the artwork                                                                                                                                                    (such as fire retardant or graffiti resistant                                                                                                                                                                         treatment);

                                                                                    k.                     A portion of the budget for the artwork may be set                                                                                                                                                    aside for contingency at the beginning of a project                                                                                                                                                    and returned to the public art fund if unused.

                                                               2.                     Project management costs, itemized upon submission and capped                                                                                                          in aggregate at fifteen percent (15%) of funds set aside for any one                                                                                                          public art project shall consist of:

                                                                                    a.                     Artist recruitment costs;

                                                                                    b.                     Fees for consultants to a selection panel;

                                                                                    c.                     Pre-contract artists' costs;

                                                                                    d.                     Permanent identification plaques and labels;

                                                                                    e.                     Documentation directly related to the                                                                                                                                                                         acquisition or to establish ownership of the                                                                                                                                                                         artwork;

                                                                                    f.                     Educational activities directly pertaining to                                                                                                                                                                         the project;

                                                                                    g.                     Architectural and engineering design services when                                                                                                                                                    they cannot be included in construction costs;

                                                               3.                     Insurance;

                                                               4.                     Capital maintenance and restoration of artwork                                                                                                                                                    acquired through the public art program (See VII.                                                                                                                                                    Maintenance and Conservation for policy.);

                                                               5.                     Storage and disposal costs for resited or                                                                                                                                                                         deaccessioned artwork acquired through the public                                                                                                                                                    art program;

                                                               6.                     Special projects and other purposes directly related                                                                                                                                                    to a specific project and approved by the Board;                     

                                                               7.                     Public relations and general education, such as                                                                                                                                                    locator guides, web-site or documentation catalogs;

                                                               8.                     Review and management of the public art                                                                                                                                                                         collection;

                                                               9.                     Dedications and publicity.

                                          C.                     Exclusions.  No public art funds may be spent for:

                                                               1.                     Reproductions of original artwork;

                                                               2.                     Decorative or functional elements by the project design                                                                                                                               professionals such as architects, landscape architects, engineers, or                                                                                                          their consultants;

                                                               3.                     Art objects that are mass-produced of standard design, such as                                                                                                          playground equipment or fountains;

                                                               4.                     Directional elements such as signs, maps, color coding, unless                                                                                                          designed or executed by an artist and integral to a specific project;

                                                               5.                     Utility costs;

                                                               6.                     Building or maintaining cultural facilities;

                                                               7.                     Ongoing routine maintenance and restoration of artwork.

                     VII.                     Maintenance and Conservation

                                          A.                     Maintenance policies.

                                                               1.                     Prior to acceptance of a new artwork by the Board, the artist will                                                                                                          submit in writing a routine maintenance plan for the department or                                                                                                          administrator having oversight responsibility, and provide                                                                                                                               appropriate training where necessary;

                                                               2.                     The routine maintenance plan for permanently installed                                                                                                                               artwork will require final approval by the department having                                                                                                          oversight responsibility and become the responsibility of this                                                                                                          department;

                                                               3.                     Maintenance will be guaranteed by the artist against all defects of                                                                                                          material and workmanship for a minimum of one year following                                                                                                          installation or according to the artist's contract;

                                                               4.                     The artist will have the opportunity to comment on, and participate                                                                                     in, all repairs and restorations that are made during his/her lifetime;

                                                               5.                     On an annual basis, the Board will require reports from all                                                                                                                               departments overseeing public artworks tracking routine                                                                                                                               maintenance activities on artwork created through the public art                                                                                                          program;

                                                               6.                     The department with oversight will be responsible for keeping the                                                                                                          Board informed about changes in the condition of the artwork and                                                                                                          the site;

                                                               7.                     Responsible departments will not clean or repair artwork beyond                                                                                                          what is specified in the artist's maintenance plan without the prior                                                                                                          written authorization of the Board;

                                                               8.                     Any proposed public art project requiring operation or                                                                                                                               maintenance expenses shall include a maintenance plan with                                                                                                          estimates of annual operating and maintenance expense and be                                                                                                          submitted for prior approval by:

                                                                                    a.                     The Director of Finance, as to the availability of funds;

                                                                                    b.                     The department head responsible for such operation or                                                                                                                               maintenance;

                                                                                    c.                     The County Council, of funds appropriate to cover such                                                                                                                               operation and maintenance expenses.

                                          B.                     Conservation policy.  The Board will establish policies and procedures to                                                                                     evaluate the public art collection on a regular basis for purposes of                                                                                                          conservation and assessment of the collection's future.

                     VIII.                     Resiting and Deaccessioning

                                          A.                     Guidelines.  The Board will retain the right to resite or                                                                                                                               deaccession any artwork created or acquired under the public art program                                                                                     pending final approval by the County department with oversight                                                                                                          reponsibility. While the intent of acquisition is for long-term public                                                                                     display, circumstances and/or conditions may arise that make it prudent for                                                                the Board, on behalf of the public interest, to remove an artwork from                                                                                     public display. However, the review process will insure that resiting or                                                                                     deaccessioning will be a seldom-employed action that operates from a                                                                                     strong presumption against removing artwork from the public art                                                                                                          collection, insulating the collection from fluctuations in taste.

                                          B.                     Reasons for resiting or deaccessioning.  The Board shall determine that a                                                                                     specific artwork will be resited or deaccessioned only if one or more of the                                                                following criteria are met:

                                                               1.                     The site is being eliminated;

                                                               2.                     The site is being altered such that the artwork is no longer                                                                                                                               compatible with the site;

                                                               3.                     The security of the artwork can no longer be reasonably guaranteed                                                                                     at its current site;

                                                               4.                     The artwork has become a danger to public safety;

                                                               5.                     The cost of maintaining or updating the artwork's operating                                                                                                                               technology is cost prohibitive;

                                                               6.                     Significant adverse reaction to the artwork from the community                                                                                                          has continued for an extended period (at least ten years).

                                          C.                     Procedures.  Once the Board has determined that an artwork meets one or                                                                                     more of the above criteria, the following process is initiated:

                                                               1.                     The Board will make a good faith attempt to discuss resiting with                                                                                                          the artist;

                                                               2.                     If the artist does not agree to the proposed resiting, he/she will                                                                                                          have the right to prevent the use of his/her name as the author of                                                                                                          the artwork;

                                                               3.                     If, in the opinion of the Board, there is not another appropriate                                                                                                          site, the artwork may be stored or deaccessioned;

                                                               4.                     If deaccessioned, the County may store or dispose of the artwork;

                                                               5.                     If the structural integrity or condition of an artwork, in the opinion                                                                                                          of the Board or the Director of the Allegheny County Department                                                                                                          of Public Works, presents an eminent threat to public safety, the                                                                                                          Board may authorize its immediate removal, without the artist's                                                                                                          consent. The Board would declare a state of emergency and have                                                                                                          the work placed in temporary storage. The artist must be notified                                                                                                          of this action within 30 days. The Board will then recommend                                                                                                          options for disposition (e.g., repair, reinstallation, maintenance                                                                                                          provisions or deaccessioning);

                                                               6.                     In the event that the artwork cannot be removed without being                                                                                                          irreparably damaged or destroyed, the Board will proceed                                                                                                                               according to the advice of the Allegheny County Law Department.


Section 2.   Severability.  If any provision of this resolution shall be determined to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, then that provision shall be considered severable from the remaining provisions of this resolution which shall be in full force and effect.



Section 3.  No Private Right of Action.  Allegheny County, Pennsylvania shall have the sole right and authority to enforce this resolution.  This resolution  does not grant any individual, group of individuals, organization, entity or any other person any right to bring any action in or before a court, administrative agency or board or any similar body to enforce the provisions of this resolution.



Section 4.  Any resolution or ordinance or part thereof confliction with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this resolution.






Enacted in Council, this _________day of ________________________, 2005



Council Agenda No.__________________




                                                                                                                                                   Rich Fitzgerald

President of Council


Attest: ________________________________

                                                                                    John Mascio

Chief Clerk of Council




Chief Executive Office _________________________________, 2005




Approved:  ___________________________________

                                                               Dan Onorato

Chief Executive




Attest:  __________________________________

Donna Beltz

Executive's Secretary