Motion of the Council of Allegheny County authorizing the publication of a Request for Proposals for Allegheny County Council Solicitor.
Whereas, as noted by the preamble to the Home Rule Charter of Allegheny County, the separation of powers within County government is a fundamental goal of home rule: “[a] home rule government that separates the legislative and executive functions previously vested solely in the Board of County Commissioners will provide checks and balances on the powers of government and protect the rights, privileges and powers reserved or guaranteed to the people by the Constitutions of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;” and
Whereas, as also noted by the Charter preamble: “[a] home rule government with a legislative County Council with members elected by district and at large will represent the diversity of our County’s citizens and provide better access to County government;” and
Whereas, since shortly after its inception, Allegheny County Council has retained the services of a solicitor independent of the Allegheny County Law Department; and
Whereas, it is the judgment of Allegheny County Council that continuing to retain independent counsel inures to the benefit of the residents and taxpayers of Allegheny County, insofar as it advances the expressly stated goal of the separation of powers, and also improves the efficiency and functionality with which the Council remains accessible to and represents the diversity of the County’s citizens; and
Whereas, it is accordingly the desire of Council to request proposals from attorneys and law firms with relevant experience and training to provide continuing legal representation to the Council;
The Council of the County of Allegheny therefore hereby moves as follows:
Allegheny County Council hereby authorizes the publication of notice of the Request for Proposals for Allegheny County Solicitor attached hereto: (1) to the County website no later than May 27, 2022, (2) to the County’s usual purchasing/RFP internet portal no later than May 27, 2022, (3) to the newspaper of general circulation within the County in which Council’s 2022 meeting schedule was published as soon as is practicable after the passage of this Motion, and (4) to other location(s) or publication(s) recommended by the Executive Committee prior to Noon on May 27, 2022.