An Ordinance of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending and supplementing the Administrative Code of Allegheny County, Article 1013, entitled “Political Activity; Accountability, Conduct and Ethics Code,” §5-1013.09, entitled “Standards of Conduct,” through the creation of a new Subsection R, in order to establish specific prohibitions on exerting improper influence in official matters within Allegheny County.
WHEREAS, existing Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law, specifically 18 Pa.C.S.A. §§4701(a)(1) and (2), classifies as a third degree felony any attempt to influence judicial, administrative, or legislative proceedings by offering, conferring, agreeing to confer, soliciting, accepting or agreeing to accept (1) any pecuniary benefit as consideration for a decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or other exercise of discretion as a public servant, party official or voter, or (2) any benefit as consideration for a decision, vote, recommendation or other exercise of official discretion in a judicial, administrative or legislative proceeding; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the criminalized actions delineated above, §4701(a)(3) also grades as a third degree felony offering, conferring, agreeing to confer, soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any benefit as consideration for a violation of a known legal duty as public servant or party official; and
WHEREAS, for the purposes of §4701, the term “benefit” is defined as gain or advantage, or anything regarded by the beneficiary as gain or advantage, including benefit to any other person or entity in whose welfare he is interested, but not an advantage promised generally to a group or class of voters as a consequence of public measures which a candidate engages to support or oppose, see, 18 Pa.C.S.A. §4501; and
WHEREAS, as a result of the provisions of §4701, activities such as trading or attempting to trade votes for employment of friends or family, monetary compensation, jo...
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