Motion of the Council of Allegheny County approving the Allegheny League of Municipalities’ contract with the Allegheny County Council, Human Resources/Personnel Management and Administration Project.
WHEREAS, Council requires consultant services in its review of its human resources/personnel management practices;
WHEREAS, the Allegheny League of Municipalities (“ALOM”) is a nonprofit, membership-based association working to foster local government in Allegheny County and Southwestern Pennsylvania, of which Allegheny County is a member;
WHEREAS, ALOM has submitted a preliminary scope of work to be performed on behalf of Council, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”;
WHEREAS, ALOM is providing the services under the scope of work for an hourly rate of ninety-nine dollars ($99.00) per hour, which is only available to its members and considerably below that which could be charged by a for-profit consultant; and
WHEREAS, it is accordingly the desire of Council to approve ALOM’s scope of work and procure their services.
The Council of the County of Allegheny therefore hereby moves as follows:
Council hereby approves entering into a contract with ALOM for services at an hourly rate of $99 per hour, in an amount not to exceed $5,000 and directs Council’s Solicitor to prepare an agreement with ALOM consistent with the scope of work to be entered into between Council and ALOM.