An Ordinance of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for the development of a complete streets plan by the Department of Economic Development, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works, no later than December 31, 2024.
Whereas, complete streets is a term used to describe a road network designed for all users, and is a means of advancing land use goals by increasing workforce mobility options, encouraging compact development patterns, spurring improved health and safety, encouraging local economic activity, enhancing neighborhood character, improving the environment, and incorporating emerging technology; and
Whereas, the City of Pittsburgh’s Council authorized adoption of the City’s complete streets program in late 2016; and
Whereas, completed projects under the City’s program include the Melwood Connector, Perrysville Complete Street, the Aiken to Liberty Connector, the Squirrel Hill Connector, Stanton Avenue Complete Street Phase 1, the Shadyside Connector, Downtown Penn Avenue Cycle Upgrades, S. Dallas Avenue, Forbes Avenue, and Beechwood Boulevard Safe Connections, the Trail to Mairdale Neighborway, and repaving/marking improvements on Reservoir Drive; and
Whereas, in October 2023, the City also re-started its community-driven Complete Streets Advisory Group; and
Whereas, since 2017, at least six other municipalities within Allegheny County (Dormont, Mt. Lebanon, Forest Hills, Wilkins, Millvale and Sharpsburg) have adopted complete streets programs; and
Whereas, the foundational principle of any complete streets program is that every resident, regardless of where they live or how they get around, should have the choice to travel in a safe and convenient manner; and
Whereas, bringing this principle to fruition requires coordinated advance planning and having appropriate policies in place to shape a regional transportation network; and
Whereas, as early as 2010, Allegheny County’s Comprehensive Plan (Allegheny P...
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