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Meeting Name: County Council Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 5:00 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Regular Meeting, Fourth Floor, Gold Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13435-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing Frank Aggazio upon his retirement as Executive Director from the Allegheny County Housing Authority.Presented  Action details Not available
13436-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing Christina Cassotis on being named the 2024 Pittsburgher of the Year.Presented  Action details Not available
13437-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation congratulating Molly Bozick as the "I Voted" sticker contest recipient.Presented  Action details Not available
13438-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee for their efforts in organizing the 2025 parade.Presented  Action details Not available
13439-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's Day Parade Irish Society for Education and Charity.Presented  Action details Not available
13440-25 1  ProclamationA memoriam proclamation recognizing St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee member, Peggy Cooney.Presented  Action details Not available
13441-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's Day Parade Miss Smiling Irish Eyes Queen as Grace Rayl.Presented  Action details Not available
13442-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's Day Parade Court Maidens as Reese Maggie Flowers and Elizabeth Rose Fitzgerald Sweeney.Presented  Action details Not available
13443-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's Day Parade Allegheny County AOH Hibernian of the Year as Ed McManus.Presented  Action details Not available
13444-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's Day Parade Grand Marshal as J. Mac McCafferty.Presented  Action details Not available
13445-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation congratulating Mayor of Kingstown on Season 4.Read  Action details Not available
13446-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation recognizing Christopher Cox upon his retirement from the Department of Court Records.Read  Action details Not available
13447-25 1  ProclamationA proclamation celebrating Amy Bell Stephenson upon the occasion of her 100th birthday.Read  Action details Not available
13448-25 1  ProclamationCertificates of Recognition presented to the 2024 Highland Volunteer Fire Department.Read  Action details Not available
13449-25 1  ProclamationCertificates of Recognition presented to the 2025 Mt. Lebanon Residents Academy recipients.Read  Action details Not available
13432-25 1  Floor MotionMotion to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2025 regular meeting of Council.PassedPass Action details Not available
13413-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Sally Ellwein to the Community Services Advisory Council for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13414-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Monique Yost to the Community Services Advisory Council for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13415-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Laura Zinski to the Community Services Advisory Council for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13416-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Curt Conrad to the Community Services Advisory Council for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13417-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Autumn Monaghan to the Community Services Advisory Council for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13418-25 1  AppointmentApproving the reappointment of Andrea Horton-Mericli to the Community Services Advisory Council for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13419-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Dr. Iulia Vann to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13420-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Vanessa Dodds to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2027.Referred  Action details Not available
13421-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Deborah Glover Jozwiak to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13422-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Jennifer Modell to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13423-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Dr. Donnesha Slider to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13424-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Emperatris Zeiss to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13425-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of David Forsyth to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13426-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Keirston Parham to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13427-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Aeisha Carter to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13428-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Ken-Netta Fowlkes to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13429-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Rachel Flinner to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13430-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Genevra (Nev) Jones to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13431-25 1  AppointmentApproving the appointment of Dr. Kimberly Mathos to the Mental Health/Intellectual Disability Advisory Board for a term effective through March 25, 2028.Referred  Action details Not available
13411-25 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance authorizing the County of Allegheny, in conjunction with the Department of Public Works and the Law Department, to donate and convey by special warranty deed one parcel of County-owned land, being more particularly described as having 5,983 square feet (effective area) of land, known for tax purposes as Block & Lot 213-G-51, located on Western Avenue, Borough of Emsworth, Allegheny County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.Passed for Chief Executive SignaturePass Action details Not available
13433-25 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending and supplementing the Administrative Code of Allegheny County, Article 808, entitled “Taxation,” through the creation of a new §5-508.02, entitled “Tax Bill Disclosure Bill of Rights,” in order to establish mandatory best practices for the inclusion of information on County real estate tax bills.Referred by Chair  Action details Not available
13434-25 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending Division 4 of the Allegheny County Code of Ordinances, entitled “Finances,” Chapter 485, entitled “False Claims,” to provide for clarity regarding the applicability of this Chapter to actions involving the misuse of County resources for political purposes.Referred by Chair  Action details Not available