From: Mascio, John
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 3:18 PM
To: 'President George W. Bush'; 'Senator Arlen Specter'; 'Senator Rick Santorum'; Congressman John Murtha; Congressman Mike Doyle; Congressman Tim Murphy; Congresswoman Melissa Hart
Subject: Bill No. 1903-05 - Motion of Allegheny County Council

Attached is a copy of Bill No. 1903-05, entitled, “A Motion Expressing the Sense of  Council of Allegheny County  opposing any privatization of the Social Security system and urging the Congress of the United States to stop any privatization as subverting the best and most successful Social Security system this nation and world has known; the Social Security system is robust and financially sound, and only needs small adjustments similar to those made in almost every decade since the 1930s for fiscal sustainability in the years after 2052.”  The motion was sponsored by Council President Rich Fitzgerald, Council Vie-President Wayne Fontana, and Council Members John DeFazio and Joan Cleary.  The Motion was passed by a vote of 8-0-2 at the Regular Meeting of County Council held on March 15, 2005.  The voting was recorded as follows:  Council Members Cleary, DeFazio, Fontana, Frazier, Jabbour, Martoni, Robinson and Fitzgerald voted aye; Council Members Gastgeb and Rea abstained; and Council Members Fawcett, Francis, Price, Shumaker and Watt were not present for the vote.


Your attention to this Motion is requested.


John Mascio

Chief Clerk

Allegheny County Council