From: Mascio, John
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:26 PM
To: Brenda Frazier; Charles Martoni; CL Jabbour; David Fawcett; Douglas Price; Eileen Watt; Francis, Ronald L., Jr.; Jan Rea; Joan Cleary; John Defazio; Rich Fitzgerald; Ronald Francis; Tom Shumaker; Vince Gastgeb; Wayne Fontana; William Robinson
Cc: Catanese, Joe; Downs, Amie; Liptak, Jennifer M
Subject: Veto of Council Bill 1729-04

Attached is a copy of a memo I sent to you informing you of Chief Executive Dan Onorato’s veto of Council Bill 1729-04  Also attached is a copy of his veto.


I have placed a hard copy of these documents in your mail slots.


John Mascio