From: Mascio, John
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 12:17 PM
To: 'Jim Roberts, Act 47 Coordinator'; 'Glenn Mahone, Oversight Board Counsel'
Subject: Bill No. 1533-04 - Motion of Allegheny County Council

At the Regular Meeting of Allegheny County Council held on April 20, 2004, Council unanimously approved the attached Motion (Bill No. 1533-04) sponsored by Council Members William Russell Robinson and Dave Fawcett.  As you will read, the motion requests that the Oversight Board and Act 47 Team meet with representatives of this Council to talk about the direction their members are going, provide an opportunity for members of Council to discuss our own concerns, including the budgetary impact of any decisions upon this County, and to become more involved in the process.


Your attention to this Motion is requested.




John Mascio, Chief Clerk

Allegheny County Council